Soham Playgroup provides sessional activities for children aged between 2 and 4 years. Children are taken on in birth date order, we are registered to receive the Government Tax Free Childcare, Government Funded twos and Funded threes.
These funded hours can be taken in part or whole and are flexible across any of our session times.
Playgroup Aims
The Playgroup sessions are planned in order to include the following:
- A safe, welcoming environment where your child can play safe and learn using equipment, activities, imagination and creativity.
- A balance of large and small muscle activities to develop physical skills
- A variety of interaction with adults and other children to develop social and language skills
- A variety of challenging experiences to develop intellectual ability
- A range of natural materials to develop creative skills
- A personal key worker who makes sure each child makes satisfying progress.
- Varied opportunities for imaginative play and exploration to encourage personal and emotional development
We operate an online learning journey, you will be invited to join via email and are able to view your childs progress through online observations and assessments.